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Meena9885 Creative Commons License 2023.10.09 0 0 6542

Unleash the Power of Spoken English: Tips for Effective Communication!


Hey there, language enthusiast! Are you ready to embark on a journey to improve your spoken English? Well, you've come to the right place. In this article, we're going to dive deep into the world of spoken English, exploring tips, tricks, and techniques to help you become a confident and effective communicator. So, let's get started on this exciting linguistic adventure!

H1: The Importance of Spoken English

Spoken English is more than just a means of communication; it's a gateway to opportunities! Whether you're looking to excel in your career, travel the world, or simply connect with people from diverse backgrounds, mastering spoken English is a valuable skill.

H2: Confidence is Key

To communicate effectively in English, confidence plays a pivotal role. Confidence not only helps you express your thoughts clearly but also makes you a more engaging and persuasive speaker.

H2: Breaking Language Barriers

Spoken English breaks down language barriers, allowing you to connect with people globally. It's the universal language of business, travel, and diplomacy.

H1: Tips for Enhancing Your Spoken English

Now that we've established the importance of spoken English, let's explore some practical tips to help you sharpen your speaking skills.

H2: Hone Your Pronunciation

Clear pronunciation is the foundation of effective spoken English. Practice enunciating words and pay attention to tricky sounds.

H2: Expand Your Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary not only makes you sound more intelligent but also enables you to express yourself more precisely. Try learning a new word every day!

H2: Practice, Practice, Practice

There's no substitute for practice. Engage in daily conversations, join language clubs, or find a language partner to chat with regularly.

H2: Watch English Movies and TV Shows

Immersing yourself in English media can improve your listening skills and expose you to different accents and colloquialisms.

H2: Embrace Technology

Language-learning apps and online courses can be incredibly helpful. They provide interactive lessons, quizzes, and pronunciation guides.

H1: Overcoming Challenges

Learning any language comes with its fair share of challenges. Let's address some common obstacles and how to overcome them.

H2: Fear of Making Mistakes

Don't be afraid to make mistakes; they're a natural part of the learning process. Embrace them as opportunities to grow.

H2: Grammar Woes

English grammar can be confusing, but don't let it deter you. Start with the basics and gradually work your way up.

H1: The Joy of Fluency

Becoming fluent in spoken English is a remarkable achievement that opens doors to countless opportunities. Imagine traveling to English-speaking countries and effortlessly conversing with locals, or acing that important job interview with confidence.

H1: Conclusion

In conclusion, spoken English is a skill that can transform your life. By following these tips and embracing the learning process, you can unlock a world of possibilities and enrich your personal and professional life.


[url=]Spoken English Classes In Pune[/url]

Hey there, language enthusiast! Are you ready to embark on a journey to improve your spoken English? Well, you've come to the right place. In this article, we're going to dive deep into the world of spoken English, exploring tips, tricks, and techniques to help you become a confident and effective communicator. So, let's get started on this exciting linguistic adventure!

H1: The Importance of Spoken English

Spoken English is more than just a means of communication; it's a gateway to opportunities! Whether you're looking to excel in your career, travel the world, or simply connect with people from diverse backgrounds, mastering spoken English is a valuable skill.

H2: Confidence is Key

To communicate effectively in English, confidence plays a pivotal role. Confidence not only helps you express your thoughts clearly but also makes you a more engaging and persuasive speaker.

H2: Breaking Language Barriers

Spoken English breaks down language barriers, allowing you to connect with people globally. It's the universal language of business, travel, and diplomacy.

H1: Tips for Enhancing Your Spoken English

Now that we've established the importance of spoken English, let's explore some practical tips to help you sharpen your speaking skills.

H2: Hone Your Pronunciation

Clear pronunciation is the foundation of effective spoken English. Practice enunciating words and pay attention to tricky sounds.

H2: Expand Your Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary not only makes you sound more intelligent but also enables you to express yourself more precisely. Try learning a new word every day!

H2: Practice, Practice, Practice

There's no substitute for practice. Engage in daily conversations, join language clubs, or find a language partner to chat with regularly.

H2: Watch English Movies and TV Shows

Immersing yourself in English media can improve your listening skills and expose you to different accents and colloquialisms.

H2: Embrace Technology

Language-learning apps and online courses can be incredibly helpful. They provide interactive lessons, quizzes, and pronunciation guides.

H1: Overcoming Challenges

Learning any language comes with its fair share of challenges. Let's address some common obstacles and how to overcome them.

H2: Fear of Making Mistakes

Don't be afraid to make mistakes; they're a natural part of the learning process. Embrace them as opportunities to grow.

H2: Grammar Woes

English grammar can be confusing, but don't let it deter you. Start with the basics and gradually work your way up.

H1: The Joy of Fluency

Becoming fluent in spoken English is a remarkable achievement that opens doors to countless opportunities. Imagine traveling to English-speaking countries and effortlessly conversing with locals, or acing that important job interview with confidence.

H1: Conclusion

In conclusion, spoken English is a skill that can transform your life. By following these tips and embracing the learning process, you can unlock a world of possibilities and enrich your personal and professional life.

harzol Creative Commons License 2020.01.17 0 0 6541

I created today a Slack workspace for Hungarian people who want to learn English:

I think Slack will be a good place to chat in English. We can create separate channels for different levels or topics. We can upload files, create/join/leave new channels, set notifications and chat in private.

Video and sound calls also available in Slack. We can use it in the browser, Android and IOS app also available.

Off course it is free and I have no business purpose to create this Slack workspace. I just want to practise English and chat in English with other language learners.


Please join this new community. 

Mara_Skywalker Creative Commons License 2019.01.08 0 0 6540



I have a question: I am German and I also speak fluent English. I am currently studying Hungarian at university. I normally learn a lot by watching tv shows in the language I want to learn, for example when I learned English and other languages, I watched American tv shows, first to learn English in the original with German subtitles and then without subitles. Afterwards I learned other languages either by watching dubbed tv shows (for example the French and the Italian dub almost all American tv shows and you can learn a lot by watching dvds in dubbed Italian or Spanish or French with English subtitles) or if a culture does not dub their tv shows like the Swedish and the Finns, by watching the tv show in the original English with Swedish or Finnish subtitles.


For languages where I could not get dvds with either dub or subtitles, I still found free subtitles on sites like Open Subitles to learn languages like Romanian, Turkish or Greek, or even some Estonian.


Or learning Japanese with original Japanese Anime shows with english subs.


But I always prefer to have a mixture of learning with dubs and with subs, or I either cannot read the language very fast (like if I only watch dubs I will be able to understand the spoken language, but not know the written language ortography rules, or the other way around, if I do not watch dubbed ones I will not be able to understand the spoken language. For the languages that I can just buy dvds of the languages on teh local amazon like for Spanish, French or Italian it is no problem because I always managed to get a lot of both: If you want to learn a language well, you need a few thousand hours of both subtitled and dubbed material, movies are too short to really to get into a topic, for example if you want to have a really huge and diverse vocabulary you need to stay motivated (which does not work if you watch the same material over and over because you get bored) and you need to hear the same vocabulary in different usages over and over to learn it well, so long tv shows with a lot of episodes works the best.


I generally watch either Emergency Room or Dr. House, Bones etc. for medical vocabulary,


24, the West Wing, House of Cards, The Wire etc. for political vocabulary


Queer as Folk both UK and US versions, the L word etc. for LGBT vocabulary


for fantasy: Shadowhunters, Buffy, Angel, Highlander, Game of Thrones etc.


for SciFi: Stargate, Farscape


Of course not all of these tv shows are available in every language, so I try to get as many as possible. Or anything else in LGBT, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Fairy Tale that is not mentioned here interests me as well.


Sorry for the long explanation, but I would like recomendations on what I can do to watch Hungarian dubbed tv shows with English or German subs and a recommendation of websites that have full seasons of Hungarian subtitles.


So, recommendations of online shops that sell cheap Hungarian dubbed tv shows that deliver to Germany: The ones I found either do not deliver to Germany or have a really small offer of number of tv shows would be nice, also websites like youtube that have more videos in Hungarian than youtube, but only with subtitles that can be watched from Germany.


Or video chanels like Amazon Prime or Netflix where I can watch in Hungarian but from Germany.


If it is possible to watch Hungarian dub on those two in Germany through some program would also help.


Indavideo for example is not available from Germany, is there some way to change that?


Any help you can give me would be nice.


If anyone is interested in learning German or English and exchange it for help in Hungarian you can contact me as well.


My email is Michaela.Kappl84 at

az777 Creative Commons License 2017.04.08 -1 0 6539

"What is the English word for pótcselekvés?"


Fucking off pretty much covers it...

Előzmény: napsutott (6528)
az777 Creative Commons License 2017.04.07 0 0 6538

Yeah, mine too...

Előzmény: CsST (6537)
CsST Creative Commons License 2016.06.07 0 0 6537

Yes, i think... But i hope that it will revive :)

I'm an autodidact english-learner, and i would like to practicing my english.

My dream is writing, speaking fluenty.

Előzmény: langduci (6536)
langduci Creative Commons License 2014.11.18 0 0 6536

Hey, yet another dead topic? :-)

ötfelezős Creative Commons License 2014.07.30 0 0 6535

I would try a thing called dictionary. You know, there are entries there. You should read about "chat".

Előzmény: Attila Ch (6534)
Attila Ch Creative Commons License 2014.01.18 0 0 6534

Hi everyone,


Please visit my blog called “The Challenge of Learning US English”. Why did I begin this blog? I have had many thoughts about learning English that I’d like to share. I began to write these thoughts in an article, but then I realized that one article wasn't enough. Instead, I would need to write a series of 2-3 entries. However, a series was still not enough. My ideas were like a tree and new branches of thoughts continuously sprouted from my mind. So why not begin my own blog about it? Some of my topics are serious, some of them are just for fun.


First of all, let me give you some details. I’m 45 and I’ve been learning English for ages. I started at the age of 12, but had many breaks. If I added up my most active periods of learning, the total wouldn’t be more than 4-5 years.


During this long period of time, I’ve met several challenges. I intentionally wrote the word challenge, not the word difficulty. A challenge has the power to push you forward and motivate you. To learn a foreign language is not easy, but it’s beautiful. It’s a discovery of different culture, different people.

I’d like to show how I discovered (and am continuing to discover!) this beautiful language. I’m not a native speaker and I’m not a perfect English speaker. Nor am I a teacher. So I'm not interested in teaching English at all. Instead, I would like to show language learning from the perspective of a language learner.


Summary of other entries:

1. Opening

2. Rachel's English (pronunciation teacher)

3. Mandy's Pronuncian (other pronunciation teacher)

4. My TOEFL exam - Jaime Miller

5. Книги в огне - Books on Fire

6. Merry Christmass

7. Why I don’t teach, but I recommend ITALKI instead

8. My successfull presentation in English

9. Right Notes for TOEFL IBT – Excellent Course from Jaime Miller

10. The Challenge of English Pronunciation and Spelling

11. The Communist Army and the English language
In Hungarian

12. American English University

Please visit my blog, and if you like it share it with friends



Angel DC 2 Creative Commons License 2013.10.25 0 0 6533

Hardly anyone here:(

eimerhenkel Creative Commons License 2012.11.25 0 0 6532

Would anyone mind doing a language swap, your Hungarian for my native English (New Zealand English, I should note)? Preferably someone whose English isn't so strong (even a complete beginner, would love to help!), so it can be more of a tit for tat than me just supplementing your high school course. Unfortunately I'm not in Hungary as I'm studying and living in the UK, but I am able to skype as well as email. I'll just leave my email for now.



KelemenGy Creative Commons License 2012.07.17 0 0 6531

Is there here anybody at all? I'd like to practice my English...

I read a lot in English but hardly write anything.

Előzmény: brnoi (6481)
napsutott Creative Commons License 2011.03.31 0 0 6530

Unlikely. :P

Előzmény: Justis_4_US (6529)
Justis_4_US Creative Commons License 2011.03.31 0 0 6529

horizontal support services.

Előzmény: napsutott (6528)
napsutott Creative Commons License 2011.03.31 0 0 6528

What is the English word for pótcselekvés?

somi Creative Commons License 2010.09.12 0 0 6527
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2009.11.29 0 0 6522
This depends on personality, I think. I'm a pessimist by nature. I will write later on, but now I'm in a very bad mood. However pessimist I am, I still hope my mood will change some day.
Előzmény: Deep Down (6520)
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2009.11.28 0 0 6521

Sometimes the smallest horses can be the meanest ones as some people think they are teddybears and don't treat them properly. But they are just the same as their bigger relatives. :)


Of course it is possible to ride bareback! Some horses are really comfortable. Unfortunately mine is not. So I don't try it too often.

Actually I think it is still more comfortable than those saddles for women.

Ah, and yes, I have a horse. :) This is why I don't have too much time for forums... 8-)

Előzmény: Törölt nick (6518)
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2009.11.28 0 0 6520

What's the point of being a pessimist?

Előzmény: Törölt nick (6519)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2009.11.22 0 0 6519
Unfortunately there are a lot of unsolved problems in my life - and in my mind. :)”

my case is similar. In your mind? Sounds interesting, but I don’t want to be tacktless…

„In my experience when there is a choice to make usually the harder way turns out to be the easier one in the long term.”

It recquires hope. i’m a pessmist, but of course it doesn’t mean that I think that anywhere and any time the worst thing will happen. There are exceptions.
Előzmény: Deep Down (6516)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2009.11.22 0 0 6518
By horses, I mean the big ones. That one in the photo is very nice, but it seems to be a big toy horse, not a real one:). But nice and funny indeed.
Thanks for the video but unfortunately, I can’t see videos at this time.

"To stay in the saddle you only need balance. :) „

only:))) Since I have never been into a saddle, I cannot imagine it. Of course I have already seen movies where people were riding, but since horses do not have handlebar:), I was unable to imagine how they could keep their balance while controlling the horse at the same time

I admit that I wouldn’t dare to ride a horse, to see them is enough.

And you don't even need a saddle... ;)”

I can see the smiley, so you must be joking:). Of course, I have already heard about riding bareback, but that must be very uncomfortable. As far as I know, there are special saddles for women.

You are not a good enough rider? OK, but even if you are not not a professional rider, you can be a horse-breeder or a vet, specialized in horses…:)
By the way, do you have your own horse?

Előzmény: Deep Down (6517)
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2009.11.22 0 0 6517

Not all of them are huge. 8-)


If horses were not useful to humans they would already be extinct like wild horses already are I suppose. Instead there are a lot of types and breeds. Maybe horses've done it right.


Usually horses are not that "one man" animals like dogs for example, but there are always exceptions. And also horses do recognise people and have a great memory.


Nowadays they don't "break in" horses like you would imagine but give time to foals to get used to the tack and then to work on the lunge, to the weight of the rider and they are tought the signs of the rider patiently.

But it can be done quickly without violation as well:


To stay in the saddle you only need balance. :) That comes with practice. And you don't even need a saddle... ;) To actually control the horse is a more difficult job. Well, at least to do it well is.


Horses are "just" a hobby. I'm not a good enough rider anyway. :(

Előzmény: Törölt nick (6515)
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2009.11.22 0 0 6516

Unfortunately there are a lot of unsolved problems in my life - and in my mind. :) But I think what matters is whether you do what you can to make things better. This is the responsibility. Not if you succeed or not, but trying. We are humans, nobody is perfect and nobody is always successful.


In my experience when there is a choice to make usually the harder way turns out to be the easier one in the long term. Or the other way arount - what seems to be the easy way turns out to be the... well, bad one. I try to keep this in mind.

Előzmény: Törölt nick (6514)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2009.11.21 0 0 6515
Horses are huge, indeed:)

„Actually I don't know why they let us lead them, ride them, control them.”

Sometimes I think that we exploit them…They are not pets, actually, they don’t need us, or at least this was so in the past when they had their own territory, they could live in the wild

Thanks for the advice on how to behave when I meet one. Interesting. Although I don’t really like animals, in the case of a big and intelligent animal, like a horse, the process, during which you make your acquintance and you get gradually accustomed to each other. This must be a long process.

In movie, we can see wild horses, which can be broken in only by the hero, sometimes during a few minutes. This seems to me a little bit unrealistic, but I don’t know anything about it…
For me it is hard to imagine how can we stay in the saddle. This must be very difficult

So horses are your favorite hobby? Or is it your job as well?

Előzmény: Deep Down (6511)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2009.11.21 0 0 6514
"Everybody is afraid. To be brave means to get over it"

I repeat that you seems to me wise, even if only when you talk about other people’s problems:). But there must have been problems in your life, too, and if you were able to solve them, then maybe you are practical in your own life as well.
I’m in my late twenties, but sometimes I feel very old, sometimes very young. But almost never as a man near 30.
„It is responsibility!”

I understand this quite well, since I hate responsibility, even if I know that I cannot erase it from my life.

"It's too much energy."

most people wouldn't believe, how much...
Előzmény: Deep Down (6510)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2009.11.21 0 0 6513
That would be great:))

But I’m just trying to overcome my fears and monsters. Hard work, believe me.
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2009.11.21 0 0 6511

I love horses. :)

They can be dangerous of course, they are half a ton, so one needs to be careful around them. I always keep the distance with horses I don't know yet. But in general horses are nice. They do not want to hurt us. Actually I don't know why they let us lead them, ride them, control them. But they do.

For someone who does not know horses yet it is not obvious how to behave around horses and this might be a problem. For example horses see almost everything arount them, except what is right behind them. So if someone steps there suddenly, they might get frightened and run away, or if they can't they might kick out. But this is understandable, they had to be aware of lions and everything for thousands of years, it is in their instincts. Solution is - never step suddenly behind a horse, or if you have to, then talk to him so he won't get suddenly surprised.

Also it is good to know that horses communicate with their body, so their movement and their ears especially can tell a lot of things. If the ears are standing forward, the horse does not have a problem with you, he is interested. On the other hand if you can not see his ears they are so flattened back, well, don't go near...

One can learn a lot just by watching how they behave with each other.


Előzmény: Törölt nick (6508)
Deep Down Creative Commons License 2009.11.21 0 0 6510

I tell you something. Everybody is afraid. To be brave means to get over it. Who is not afraid is not brave, just possibly plain reckless. But of course there is no point in fearing things which should not be feared. It's too much energy. I don't know how old you are, but it is not a good way to live a life in fear. It is never late to find a solution. There is always a solution. It might be a psychologist, it might not. You need to find out I suppose.


Oh, yessss, I am indeed very wise and practical - as long as it is other people's problems we are talking about, not mine... 8-)


Of course people don't like to give advice! It is responsibility! :)

Előzmény: Törölt nick (6507)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2009.11.20 0 0 6509
Thanks for the article. I will read it
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2009.11.20 0 0 6508
Don't you like horses by accident? "

Well, they are beautiful animal, noble, if i may say so. It is good to see them running or just standing majestically. But they are dangerous, they can kick you, or throw you off...In real life, i"m afraid of them. But i don't know too much about them, in fact, almost nothing.
Előzmény: Deep Down (6505)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!