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Zyx Creative Commons License 2000.11.06 0 0 27
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Lightning reportedly kills 11 soccer players in Congo
Copyright © 1998 Nando Media
Copyright © 1998 Associated Press

KINSHASA, Congo (Oct 28, 1998 - 10:26 EST) -- Lightning killed 11 members of a Congolese soccer team and injured dozens more people during a weekend game, the Congolese news agency reported.

The lightning bolt killed all the players on the home team in the village of Bena Tshadi in the province of Eastern Kasai, the Congolese Press Agency said.

The report could not be independently confirmed.

More than 30 people, most on the sidelines, were injured, but none of the injuries is believed life-threatening, the report said.

Investigators blamed the lightning bolt on witchcraft because all the opposing players, from nearby Basangana village, escaped injury, the agency reported Tuesday.

Sorcery is often used in the region in an attempt to influence soccer games. Witchcraft is often blamed throughout west and central Africa to explain natural phenomenon and illness.

The score was 1-1 when the lightning struck.

In South Africa last weekend, six soccer players were hurt when lightning struck the field.

Lightning hits six soccer players in South Africa

Oct 26: Lightning has struck six soccer players during a match between two local teams. There were no fatalities, but the six injured players were carried off the field on stretchers.
The match between the Jomo Cosmos and the Moroka Swallows was called off, with the Swallows leading 2-0, after six swallows players were struck by lightning in the 79th minute.

Referee Jeff Motsamai immediately stopped the game as Paramedics rushed onto the pitch with stretchers.

Copyright © 1998 Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd.
Soccer players accused of 'taking a dive' after lightning strike
Mon, 26 Oct 1998

In South Africa, up to eight soccer players have been struck by lightning during a match at a stadium in Johannesburg.

Several players had to be carried to the dressing rooms and two were taken to hospital.

The incident occurred 11 minutes from the end of a national championship match in which Jomo Cosmos was leading home team Swallows 2-0 at the George Goch Stadium near the city centre.

As a Swallows player prepared to cross into the penalty area, there was a flash of lightning and players from each team fell to the ground clutching their heads.

Officials and spectators raced on to the pitch and ice was placed on the foreheads of the most seriously affected before they were carried to the change rooms.

Swallows midfielder Phumlani Dini said: "The lightning hit me a little. I don't know if I am okay."

Former Swallows coach Mike Mangena, who attended the game as a media analyst, said: "It was unbelievable. At first I thought the players were ducking something, then they collapsed.

"It is a sad reflection of South African football that there were no proper precautions in place.

"We had a crisis and there was not even one ambulance to assist the players," he said.

Swallows' Brazilian coach Jayr Emilio Mazzoni said: "I don't know what happened. I just heard this deafening bang and players from both teams collapsed."

He said the heartbeat of one of the players was "very abnormal" when he arrived in the change room and medical personnel had stabilised his condition before rushing him to hospital.

"The heartbeat of Matsitse was very fast, his eyes were glazed and he was slipping in and out of consciousness," he said.

State television, which broadcast the match, reported that angry Cosmos officials had accused Swallows players of faking injury to prevent the game continuing.
--------------------------------------------------Néhány egyéb vélemény :

John Kay ( writes:
Those people who thought it was witch craft are really dumb. There is no such thing as witch craft.

-Zigo- ( writes:
This is true, it was even filmed and I've seen it. The survivors were on the other team.

102 writes:
This is blatantly untrue!
There was a lightning strike, and several players were injured, some seriously.
Generally only one team was affected (they had about 3 players who could not carry on, and several more very shaken). Must to the oppositions dismay the referee called the game off. It was replayed and the team that got 'struck' won - but they were losing when the lightning struck. This lead to accusations of bad sportsmanship.

GalFisk ( writes:
Yes, they can be counted as survivors... like if somebody is shooting at a bunch of people, the ones that does not get hurt (physically, that is) is survivors.
I think this is over-dramatized a bit, but it's still weird. I would have liked to see the clip.

Előzmény: Törölt nick (26)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2000.11.06 0 0 25
Mohammed Mirror: Abdul Asszuan-Ali csapatanak minden tagja villamcsapas aldozata lett.
Ibn International: Bengazi-Bochum bej jatekosait agyonsujtotta a villam.
Palesztin Pószt: a kozonseg legkori elektromos tevekenyseg miatt eletet vesztette.

Felosztottak a piacot:)

ricinus Creative Commons License 2000.11.04 0 0 24
hibás forditás:
helyesen -a mérközés félbe szakadt,mert a vendég csapat kiütéssel gyözött.
ControlDenied Creative Commons License 2000.11.03 0 0 23
Lehet, hogy csak az egyik csapat volt neger, a villam pedig fajgyululo volt...
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2000.11.03 0 0 21
Előzmény: Törölt nick (-)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2000.11.03 0 0 20
Nem lehet ez a media túlzása?

Dehogynem. Gondold meg, mennyivel erdekesebb, mint ha azt irjak, mindenki meghalt.

Gyengebbek kedveert:)

Előzmény: Geőcze Zoárd (19)
Geőcze Zoárd Creative Commons License 2000.11.03 0 0 19

Nem értem mi ebben a nagy szám? Nézzétek meg a magyar focieccseket ott eleve halottak fociznak! Az a valami... :-)

Nem lehet ez a media túlzása?


Stocker Creative Commons License 2000.11.03 0 0 18
Igen. Egyszerűen csak ez volt életük utolsó meccse.
Iván Gábor Creative Commons License 2000.11.03 0 0 15
Ajánlom figyelmetekbe a "Racionalításon innen és túl" topicot.
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2000.11.02 0 0 14
annyiban, hogy at volt itatva vmivel?
Előzmény: Törölt nick (11)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2000.11.02 0 0 13
Lehet, hogy gombvillammal probaltak focazni.
Zyx Creative Commons License 2000.11.02 0 0 12
Hát, ha kicsit csaltak és fémszegeket tettek a stopliba, akkor elképzelhető, hogy a cipőn átütöttek a villám szétszóródó pászmái.
Előzmény: Törölt nick (11)
otouto Creative Commons License 2000.11.02 0 0 10
Szerintem az történt, ami minden megtörténik ötszázmilliárdomodik focimeccsen: pont egyszerre kaptak szívrohamot. Az, hogy épp a villámlás pillanatában, pusztán a sors megtévesztő fintora.
jee_c Creative Commons License 2000.11.02 0 0 9

A másik csapat játéka annyira nevetségesen gyenge volt, hogy a villámlás pillanatában :-) holtan rogytak földre, a röhögogörcstol kimúltak.


Előzmény: Törölt nick (6)
Stocker Creative Commons License 2000.11.02 0 0 8
Szétmaródtak az esőben, mert nem volt megfelelő a bőrük pH értéke...
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2000.10.31 0 0 6
villamcsapastol haltak meg?:)
Előzmény: Törölt nick (-)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2000.10.31 0 0 5
egyszerre rontottak a labdara.
Előzmény: Zyx (4)
Zyx Creative Commons License 2000.10.31 0 0 4
Ugyanabban a pocsolyaban alltak.
Előzmény: Törölt nick (-)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2000.10.31 0 0 3
Netan Szaddam Husszein csodafegyvere? Nem Irak-Iran meccs volt. Baratsdagtalan persze.
Stocker Creative Commons License 2000.10.31 0 0 2
Úgy értem, azt a földeletlen villámhárítót...
Előzmény: Stocker (1)
Stocker Creative Commons License 2000.10.31 0 0 1
Vagy csak fogadtak, hogy igenis, meg merik fogni mind a tizenegyen azt a villámhárítót...
Előzmény: Törölt nick (-)
Dr. Lecter Creative Commons License 2000.10.31 0 0 0
Megfogant a másik csapat varázslójának átka.
Előzmény: Törölt nick (-)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2000.10.31 0 0 topiknyitó
Egy-két éve lehetett hallani, azt hiszem, valahol Afrikában történt, de ebben lehet, hogy tévedek.
Egy focimeccs azért szakadt félbe, mert vihar volt, villámlott, és az egyik csapat összes játékosa meghalt, míg a másik csapatból és a közönségbl senkinek nem esett baja!
Hogy lehet ez?

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!