
Részletes keresés

kisloszos Creative Commons License 2013.05.16 0 0 5960

Honnan idézted?

Előzmény: vampeare (5959)
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.05.14 0 0 5959

"Hendley esete viszont egyedi. Kiderítette, hogy azon az egyetemi szakon, amelyen ő Amerikában alapfokú diplomát szerzett, létezik Pécsett kétéves mesterképzés harmadannyi áron, mint ha otthon fejezné be tanulmányait. Ez tehát újabb vonzerő lehet számára a maradáshoz. Így pedig már nem is festene olyan rosszul a következő idény PVSK-ja."


hehe :-)

vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.05.04 0 0 5958

na megnézve a tévében még 1x és egyet aludva rá azért elmondhatjuk, hogy rettenetes nagy mázlink volt a végén, de azt senki nem állíthatja, hogy érdemtelenül - egyrészt keményen megküzdöttünk érte, nem az volt, hogy minden behullott, hanem pl. két homály-triplából szereztünk két roppant fontos kosarat; másrészt meg a 21 és 48 pontnál is keményen lehorgonyoztunk, akkor minden kifele perdült, már csak ezért is járt a kompenzáció


hihetetlen és felejthetetlen :))


ja és boldog születésnapot Csibe!

kisloszos Creative Commons License 2013.05.04 0 0 5957

Én azt nem értem, hogy a labdavezetéseinél a lépéshibát miért nem fújják le, de ma ezt is leszarom!:D

Előzmény: NB2 (5954)
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.05.03 0 0 5956

na, pannon tv, ezt végigküzdöm még1x:)

Előzmény: vampeare (5955)
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.05.03 0 0 5955

Kellernél én azt nem értettem, hogy az első félidőben amikor adott egy istenes nagy búrát Bödörnek, és nem is fújták le, na az után mit tudott reklamálni

Előzmény: NB2 (5954)
NB2 Creative Commons License 2013.05.03 0 0 5954

eszem ágában nem volt ma kimenni, de haver kicsalt, nem bántam meg:))))))))))))

iszonyatosan pocsék meccs volt, az, hogy nyertünk kb 80%-ban köszönhető az Albának, de kb le...m:))))

akinek ekkora arca van az meg is érdemli, hogy szívjon!!!


amúgy volt már olyan a történelemben, hogy Keller elismerje a faultját?

vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.05.03 0 0 5953
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.05.03 0 0 5952

hát ha nyerünk Fehérváron, akkor szükség lesz még a feketére ;)

Előzmény: Törölt nick (5951)
Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2013.05.03 0 0 5951

Hogy volt az a mezdvadászat? :D 

Előzmény: vampeare (5950)
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.05.03 0 0 5950








bendeguz90 Creative Commons License 2013.04.27 0 0 5949

Pécsi VSK-PANNONPOWER – Alba Fehérvár 78-74 (23-13, 15-12, 18-17, 22-32)
NBI A-csoport, rájátszás, negyeddöntő.


Pécs, 1500 néző. V.: Benczur, Gorka, Balog.


Pécsi VSK-PANNONPOWER: Loesing 8, Kovács P. 13/9, CSABAY 12/3, TÓTH N. 20/6, HENDLEY 14/6.

Csere: Bíró O. 4/3, Nagy K. 3/3, Halász 4.


Vezetőedző: Csirke Ferenc. 


Alba Fehérvár: Moore 2, WOOD 28/6, Hollis 13, SZABÓ ZS. 17/15 , Keller Á. 7.

Csere: Supola, Jones 7, Juhos, Bódi, Lekli. Vezetőedző: Branislav Dzunics.


Kipontozódott: Keller Á. (37. p.)

vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.04.27 0 0 5948


vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.04.08 0 0 5947

van egy sanda gyanúm, hogy magyar játékos nálunk az elmúlt 10 év A csoportja során nem dobott még 30-ast

Előzmény: kisloszos (5946)
kisloszos Creative Commons License 2013.04.08 0 0 5946

Végre nem egy légiós szórja meg magát.

Előzmény: vampeare (5945)
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.04.07 0 0 5945

Év Név Legtöbb dobott pont Mérkőzés

2003–2004 Mladen Gambiroža 43/9 PVSK–Dombóvár

2004–2005 Donta Richardson 37/12 Albacomp–PVSK, 1. forduló

2005–2006 Dragan Aleksić 36/9 PVSK–Körmend, 8. forduló

2006–2007 Dragan Aleksić 36/24 PVSK–Falco, MK nyolcaddöntő

2007–2008 Nicholas Mack Williams 30/18 PVSK–ASE, 25. forduló

2008–2009 Thomas Kelley 31/9 PVSK–ZTE KK, elődöntő

2009–2010 Srđan Helbich 34/0 PVSK–Salgótarjáni KSE, 20. forduló

2010–2011 Muhammad El-Amin 47/18 PVSK–Szedeák, 16. forduló

2011–2012 Andrija Ćirić 33/12 PVSK–Szedeák, 25. forduló

2012–2013 Tóth Norbert 34/4 PVSK–Szedeák, középszakasz 4. forduló



ezer szerencse, hogy A-csoportos lett a Szedeák :P

vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.03.06 0 0 5944

Loesing's 23 points and 6 assists give him Player of the Week award

  K már. 5, 2013 20:32 Megoszt

Brad Loesing23-year old guard Brad Loesing (182-G-89) put on an amazing game in the last round for PVSK Pannon and receives a Player of the Week award for round 22. He had the game-high 23 points adding six rebounds and six assists for PVSK Pannon in his team's victory, helping them to beat Szedeak (#6, 8-14) 90-82. Thanks to this victory PVSK Pannon moved-up to the 3rd position in the Hungarian league



az utsó mondat a legjobb :D :D

vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.03.02 0 0 5943
hazai sopron, zeg, szeged, idegenbeli falco, nyír1, factum, igazán nem jártunk rosszul, ha falcoéknál kikapunk,de nyerjük a többit, meg is lenne a playoff, és erre szerencsére talán elég jó esély van
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.02.18 0 0 5942

"I look at this league as a grind hard working league not a lot of flashy players but hard defense with no fouls being called hahahaha." 



Előzmény: vampeare (5941)
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.02.18 0 0 5941

Back on track: Alex Legion - Feb 18, 2013


 Kecskemet hosts Pecs for the second leg of the Hungarian Cup quarterfinals after they've lost the first leg by 6 points. The hosts are up by 9 points with 19 seconds left from the game. The guests are bringing up the ball for the last possession. They need a 3 pointer to cut down the lead to 6 points which would mean overtime.
The redactor of the broadcasting channel feels something and the camera is showing #6 of the visitor team for a bit. With 10 seconds on the clock he gets the ball just outside the three point line. The pass isnt too good and the ball is almost slipping out of his hands, but somehow he is managing to take control over it. The clock is ticking while #6 does a pump fake on which his defender jumps in the air but stays in front of him. With a man in his face, with no room to take the normal route for his shoot #6 puts up a deep and weird fade-away three. As he falls to the ground and the ball swishes through the net, the camera is showing the guest bench where you can see the assistant coach smiling to the young head coach with the expression "we knew he can do that"

Right now everybody knows that in Hungary. Everybody knows that Alex Legion (195-G-88, agency: Laszlo Vinko Group, college: FIU) is a lights out shooter who can make shoots from anywhere on the court anytime he wants. The 6'5" shooting guard with that clutch-three saved the game to a double overtime where his team advanced to the Final Four of the Hungarian Cup. His team, Pecs is supposed to be the lowest budget team in the country and wasnt predicted to advance so far in the Cup. Of course considering their budget they shouldn't be standing at the 6th place in the league neither and considering his talent level Alex Legion isn't supposed to play for them. But he is, and he is doing great, averaging 20.7ppg, 5.7rpg, 1.2apg and 1.6spg while shooting: FGP: 53%, 3PT: 32% and FT: 88%.

If we jump back in the time when you played at Oak Hill Academy, who was the one who could take the big shoots: Brandon Jennings, Nolan Smith or yourself?

Well we all had our fair share of big shots. Some games it was Brandon other games Nolan but Brandon was the pg so he made great decisions at the end of the game.

But you always had a better shooting touch than both of them, am I right?

Yes I've been known for being a shooter all my life. What separated me from most high school players scouts said I was one of the few who had a mid-range game which I pride myself on.

You had a really strong senior year at Oak Hill with scholarship offers from big programs like Michigan, Kansas, UCLA and Kentucky. Could you tell us a little bit about the process, how did you come down to Kentucky?

I had a very long recruiting process in high school. I was originally committed to Michigan but they fired Coach Tommy Amaker who is now the coach for Harvard. This was a real shock to me for two reasons. I was a senior at Oak Hill ready to start my college career coming back home to restore the Michigan program and they fire the main reason why I recommitted there. So once I opened my recruitment back up I became one of the top prospects left that was unsigned. Coach Gillispe had just became the head Coach of a great program: Kentucky. I like what he did with Acie Law and wanted to be a part of the tradition.

You decided to leave the program and transfer to Illinois after just 6 games into the season. What was the reason of that?

I didn't feel that I would develop there as a player under the coaching style and methods of Coach Gillispe. He's a great coach who knows the game inside and out but it just wasn't a great fit for me socially. It was hard to communicate with him and I didn't want to spend the next 4 years not being able to have a healthy relationship with my college coach.

As we heard at Illinois you worked really hard on your game but still couldn't find major minutes on the court. How hard were those 2 years there for you?

I've always been one to work on my game and put in the work necessary to get better. But my time at Illinois was very discouraging for me as a basketball player because I wasn't seeing any results from my hard work. At times I felt like giving up on the game I love and dedicated my life to.

You were so low that you wanted to quit basketball during that time?

Yes I did. When you work hard at something and you don't seeing any positive results it can wear on you physically and mentally. People around, family and friends had notice a change in me. I wasn't excited about the game anymore. This is why I decided to give it one more shot with Coach Isaiah Thomas down at FIU.

You choose to transfer to FIU just to play under his hands?

Yes, he's an NBA Hall of Famer and knows a lot about the game and developing players so I wanted to see what I could learn from him and see what he thinks about my situation at the time.

Was he a big influence for you?

He worked me out my entire year off and though I was just a kid who wanted to have an opportunity to showcase his talent I learned all my basic fundamentals which I use today in my games from Coach Thomas. Of course I added new things to my game here and there but the foundation was planted by him.

You finished up an average year individually with FIU, so you didn't had a realistic chance to get drafted to the NBA. What supposed to be your next move?

Well that year was also the year of the lockout which made it twice as hard to get a look at. I tried to head overseas which was very difficult for me. Most agents didn't want to take chance on me because my resume wasn't solid enough, and teams weren't impressed with all the colleges I had been to either, so I was stuck to just workout and pray for and opportunity.

You ended up not playing any kind of professional basketball, was there any point when you were thinking that you will not be able to work your path to the professional level? Did you feelings of hanging up the shoes return?

Yes. I was 1 year out of college and basketball was fading away from my life. So I decided to give back to kids in the Metro Detroit area. I begin working in the Black Caucus Foundation as a Public Speaker encouraging kids to stay in school and stay away from drugs and alcohol. Although I was signed, I always made a point to keep working on my game it was a part of who I was as a person.

How did you feel when you finally signed a contract to play in Hungary?

I felt grateful that God finally gave me chance to play of the pro level and rebuild my resume. This time I was more determine to do things the right way and not take one day for granted.

What was your mindset coming in? Proving the doubters wrong or you didn't care about them just came in humble, embracing the opportunity?

My mindset coming was to prove to myself that I was ready to dominate the game that I loved and played my entire life. At first I wanted to prove everyone wrong but in the end I realize that they are human and it was only going to make me bitter. I choose to be humble and embrace this opportunity because not everyone is blessed to do what they really love as a job.

In you first two games you were lets say ... modest (12 points in each game). Than you exploded against Albacomp the top team in the league with a 27 point performance and since then you had more games over 20 points than under and your team, Pecs is one of the big surprises of this season. How comfortable are you playing for them and playing in Hungary? How do you see the competition level?

I love my teammates, we are very young but we work really hard and try to play for each other every game. But to answer your first to question my first couple of games it was a long time since I had played in over a year far as high level competition so I had to shake the rust off. Once I calmed myself down I start to play my game and the rest is history. The level of competition in Hungary is pretty good. I look at this league as a grind hard working league not a lot of flashy players but hard defense with no fouls being called hahahaha.

As one of the best (if not the best) SG in Hungary you probably will get interest from many teams throughout Europe. What are your plans for next year?

I plan to look at all my options in each country and see what club has the best situation for me and my family. If its coming back to Hungary playing for Pecs I can't say but I will take my time, talk with my people and we will do what's in my best interest.

Where do you see yourself in 3 years from now?

Well I should be 27 by then. God willing I will have good health and still playing this game they call basketball. Since I have no kids and not married maybe start to settle down and think about a family one day.

If you could jump back in time what would you do different?

To be honest if you would have asked me this question while I was still in college I would have giving you an answer like I would have stayed at this school. But I wouldn't do anything different. Now that I am older I realize that things happen in our life for a reason God doesn't allow anything to happen to us that we can't handle or get through. All the ups and downs I've experience has only made me a better person and I have learn to embrace the hard times and fight and get through adversity.

Averaging almost 20ppg playing alongside Brandon Jennings and Nolan Smith, and leading Oak Hill Academy to an almost perfect season (40-1), Alex Legion was considered as a legit NBA-prospect coming out from high school. He had scholarships offers from big time programs and decided to play at Kentucky ...than he transferred to Illinois... than he transferred to FIU to play for Coach Isiah Thomas ...than he found himself after college not playing any type of professional basketball and being claimed by many as another wasted talent. Sure, you can argue about playing professional in Hungary is a waste of talent or not, but if you get to watch him in his element, on the court, doing what he knows the best, you can clearly see that this is only the beginning of a long road back to where he belongs talent-wise. Nobody can predict what will be the end of his road, but one thing is for sure: he is a rough diamond resurrected in Hungary, which in proper hands will be a bright shining one for a long time.

vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.02.16 0 0 5940

58-62 -> 76-65, sok volt az a keddi 50 perc

vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.02.14 0 0 5939

mentségemre szóljon, élőben szorosabbnak tűnt :)

Előzmény: NB2 (5938)
NB2 Creative Commons License 2013.02.13 0 0 5938

köszi mindent

mondjuk én nem voltam eldőlve a védekezésen, NBA-ben gyakorlatilag ennél 10x közelebb vannak a dobójátékoson néha

jó tudom NBA:)))

vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.02.13 0 0 5937


Előzmény: vampeare (5936)
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.02.13 0 0 5936
Előzmény: vampeare (5935)
vampeare Creative Commons License 2013.02.12 0 0 5935

hát azért nagyon keményen védték h ne legyen hármas, brutál nagy mák volt, h beesett, ettől függetlenül igazad van, ezt eltaktikázták

Előzmény: NB2 (5934)
NB2 Creative Commons License 2013.02.12 0 0 5934

Nah, látom nyertek a fiuk. Legion trijét a végén megnézném!


Azért Stojan nagyon amatőr, most olvastam, hogy oda is csaphattak volna, ennyire dillettánst. Már rég dívik az, hogy inkább odacsap a vezető is, csakhogy ne kapjanak trít.

acm55 Creative Commons License 2013.02.12 0 0 5933

Grat a négy közé jutáshoz. A néger jól tolta.

kisloszos Creative Commons License 2013.02.04 0 0 5932

Abban a szezonban volt jópár ilyen meccsünk.

Előzmény: kozármiska (5931)
kozármiska Creative Commons License 2013.02.04 0 0 5931

Igen, -21-ről álltunk fel anno. ÓÓÓÓRIÁSI volt.

Előzmény: vampeare (5927)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!