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Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.08.08 0 0 20323

A legujabb kinai gyorsvasuti vonal, 350 km/h sebessegu:



Meleg a Klumpa Creative Commons License 2023.08.07 0 0 20322

Ha mar a kinai seggnyalos ugynok visszatert, szembesulhet a realitassal, amit nagyon nagy ivben igyekezett elhallgatni:


Youth unemployment in China has hit a new record high as the country's post-pandemic recovery falters.
The jobless rate of 16 to 24 year olds in urban areas rose to 21.3% last month, official figures show.
It comes as the world's second largest economy grew just 0.8% in the three months to the end of June.
BEIJING — China said Monday that second-quarter gross domestic product grew by 6.3% from a year ago, missing expectations.
The unemployment rate among young people ages 16 to 24 was 21.3% in June, a new record.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.08.01 0 0 20321

Li Sheng, head of the institute, estimated that China will have around 62 million kW of operational pumped storage hydropower capacity by 2025.


By 2030, China's operational pumped storage hydropower stations are expected to reach a total installed capacity of about 160-180 million kW.


The installed capacity of new energy storage projects that were put into operation during the first half of this year in China has reached 8.63 million kilowatts, equivalent to the total installed capacity of previous years in the country, according to the National Energy Administration (NEA).


New energy storage refers to electricity storage processes that use electrochemical, compressed air, flywheel and supercapacitor systems, but not pumped hydro.


By the end of June, the cumulative installed capacity of new energy storage projects completed and put into operation in China has exceeded 17.33 million kilowatts, with an average storage time of 2.1 hours, she said.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.07.16 -1 0 20320

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.07.14 0 0 20319

China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, one of the country's major space contractors, announced on Thursday in Wuhan, Hubei province, that it plans to construct a massive remote-sensing satellite network before 2030.


Upon its scheduled completion around 2030, the space-based system will have 300 remote-sensing satellites operating in extra-low orbits, which have altitudes of less than 300 kilometers, and will be able to obtain optical pictures, radar data, and hyperspectral and infrared images.


By that time, the network will be capable of mapping and surveying any given place in the world within 15 minutes after receiving users' requests, the company said in a news release on the sidelines of the 9th China International Commercial Aerospace Forum that opened on Wednesday in Wuhan.

tarTospifta Creative Commons License 2023.07.12 0 0 20318

Erről mi a véleményetek?


Tavaly felfüggesztették a visszatáplálási lehetőséget, ezzel ellehetetlenült a szaldóelszámolás, a potenciális felhasználók a kiszámíthatatlanság miatt egyszerűen elállnak a beruházásoktól.

A lakosság saját erőből egy paksi erőművi kapacitást tett volna be a hálózatba, ha nem piszkálják meg a visszatáplálást.


A lebegő munkacsoport a bicikli emelgetés mintájára miért nem demonstrál napelemeket emelgetve, hogy környezetvédelem, klímaváltozás?

A lebegő munkacsoport miért csak a 19% autósok miatt balhézik?

A lebegő munkacsoport a napelem lakossági tiltása miatt miért nem emelget?

Mert a zsebes orbán zsebében vannak?

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.07.06 0 0 20317

Over time, the definition of “officially unemployed” has gotten more restrictive, and today only 6.097 million working age Americans are considered to be in that category.


Meanwhile, a staggering 99.800 million working age Americans are considered to be “not in the labor force”.


When you add both categories together, you get a total of 105.897 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.06.27 0 0 20316

As the largest chip market, China consumed about 60 percent of all semiconductors in the world in 2022.


Last year, the market size of the global chip industry stood at about $600 billion, according to Gartner.


Data from the China Semiconductor Industry Association shows that the sales revenue of China's homegrown chip industry jumped to 516 billion yuan ($71 billion) in 2022 from 8.15 billion yuan in 2004, with an average annual compound growth rate of 25.9 percent. In comparison, the global average annual compound growth rate during the same period was 6.39 percent.


Keson indultak, de lenduletesen jonnek fel.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.06.27 0 0 20315

China's shipbuilding industry saw new vessel orders surge 49.5 percent year-on-year in the first five months of 2023, official data showed.


New orders, a major indicator of the shipbuilding industry, stood at 26.45 million deadweight tons (DWT) during the five-month period, with a global market share of 67.3 percent, according to statistics released by Beijing-based China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry.


The country's shipbuilding output grew by 15.4 percent on a yearly basis to 16.47 million DWT between January and May, accounting for 48.1 percent of the world's total.


By the end of May, the sector's holding orders totaled 117.99 million DWT, up 15.5 percent year-on-year, claiming 51.6 percent of the world's market share.

orgonatündér Creative Commons License 2023.06.21 0 0 20314

Vannak még a futott kilométerek.


Meg aztán: mi a káros anyag.

a széndioxid.

Vagy az egyéb vackok (CO, CH, NOx, netán kén, aromás szar, korom, mikrokorom)

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20313)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.06.21 0 0 20313

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.05.29 0 1 20312

China's UnionPay surpassed Visa for the first time in 2022, securing 40.03 percent of global debit card transactions, China Media Group (CMG) reported on Sunday, citing latest statistics compiled by industry platform Nilson Report.


"Debit cards with the UnionPay brand held a market share of 40.03 percent of all debit card purchase transactions, an increase of 139 basis points (bps)," read the Nilson Report.


Visa's share of debit card transactions was down 82 bps to 38.78 percent in 2022, ranking second to UnionPay, according to the report.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.05.29 0 1 20311

China plans to land astronauts on the moon before 2030, said Lin Xiqiang, deputy director of China Manned Space Agency (CMSA), on Monday at a press conference held at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.


Lin said the mission has already started and the CMSA is working on the necessary hardware, including the research and development of a new-generation carrier rocket (Long March-10), to launch an upgraded manned spacecraft, a lunar lander and the construction of test and launch facilities and equipment. It will also involve the development of new spacesuits.


Eleg gyors menetrend, ugy, hogy meg a raketat is ki kell fejleszteni.

Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2023.05.27 0 1 20310


The Chinese Academy of Sciences has unveiled a new high-performance processor chip and a new operating system, based on the popular open-source chip design standard known as RISC-V.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.05.22 0 0 20309

According to the SEIRS model for infectious disease dynamics, the second peak of the COVID-19 might occur at the end of June, with about 65 million people infected a week, renowned Chinese respiratory disease expert Zhong Nanshan said on Monday.


Nem is probaljak megakadalyozni a terjedeset. A sulyos betegsegek kialakulasat probaljak megakadalyozni.

zdcmchy Creative Commons License 2023.05.21 -1 0 20308

Valószínűleg háború állítja meg, de azt követően a világ is az usa is más lesz. 2 usa se fér el ezen a bolygón, de Kína mindjárt 5-öt tenne ki.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20305)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.05.08 0 0 20307

China's parcel delivery industry has undergone rapid development over the past decade with volumes increasing from 5.6 billion items in 2012 to 110 billion items last year.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20305)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.05.05 0 1 20306

At 1,956 km, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is a plateau railway featuring the highest altitude and longest distance in the world. It starts from Xining, Qinghai province, and ends in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region.


The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau used to be an isolated region because of transportation difficulties, high altitude, steep terrain and complex geographical conditions.


American travel writer Paul Theroux gave an assessment about railways on the plateau region in one of his diaries in the 20th century, noting that as long as the Kunlun Mountains exist, a railway would never reach Lhasa.


The construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was started in 1958, and the section between Xining and Golmud was completed in 1984. The section between Golmud and Lhasa was completed and started operating in 2006.


The Qinghai-Tibet Railway transported 803 million metric tons of goods and 265 million passengers between 2006 and 2022, according to its operator.


Mar epul egy masodik vasutvonal Tibetbe, az Szecsuan iranyabol.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.05.05 0 1 20305

Mindig megdobbentenek ezek a kinai csomagszallitasi adatok. Napi 300 millio csomag. Jo sok szemetet generalhat a sok csomagolas.


China’s express delivery industry has seen a steady recovery since the beginning of 2023, with the total volume amounting to 40 billion parcels as of May 4, said China’s State Post Bureau on Friday via its official WeChat account.


Official data shows that during the May Day holiday from April 29 to May 3, a total of 1.496 billion parcels had been received from customers nationwide. The average daily collection volume increased by 119.6 percent compared with the May Day holiday in 2019, and by 11.64 percent compared with the same period last year.


Meanwhile, a total of 1.599 billion parcels had been delivered during the five-day holiday. The average daily delivery volume increased by 144.59 percent compared with the same period of 2019, and by 8.78 percent compared with the May Day holiday last year.

Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2023.05.02 0 1 20304

Most látom már beraktad. 

Nagyon érdekes lesz a következő pár év, mi marad ebből a dinamikából, hol a  csúcs..?

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20295)
Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2023.05.02 0 1 20303


Elképesztő felfutás.  

Előzmény: Léjjjzer (20302)
Léjjjzer Creative Commons License 2023.05.02 0 1 20302

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.04.30 0 1 20301

Meleg a Klumpa Creative Commons License 2023.04.28 -1 0 20300

A piros es rozsaszin oszlopdiagrammok valahogy nem passzolnak az indoklassal.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20295)
Meleg a Klumpa Creative Commons License 2023.04.28 -1 0 20299

Ezt, ugye, magad se gondoltad komolyan?


Az evekkel korabbi 5G vita is valojaban mar arrol szolt, hogy Kina "levedlette a boret", mar nem bermunkasok hada, hanem EU es USA gyartelepe, a csucstechnologiat is ott allitjak elo, egyenlore meg engedik, hogy feherek legyenek a vezetosegekben, mert rajtuk keresztul lehet fenntartani a korrupciot, de par ev mulva mar ok fognak diktalni minden teren.

Előzmény: zdcmchy (20294)
Meleg a Klumpa Creative Commons License 2023.04.28 -1 0 20298

Mirol beszelsz?


Ami nalad "most", az a kepen aprobetusen 2022 marciusi adat, egy eves, hol jol forditottam angolbol.


Megadnad a kep linkjet, hogy honnan van az adat?

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20283)
Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.04.28 0 1 20297

China’s railway department kicks off the holiday travel rush in advance on Thursday. The railway system across the country is expected to manage 120 million passenger trips during the eight-day period lasting though May 4, up 20 percent from 2019 to the highest level in history, China Railway said in a statement sent to the Global Times on Thursday.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.04.27 0 1 20296

Erik Solheim, former UN Environment Executive Director and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, spoke highly of China's high speed railway on Twitter during his trip from Beijing to

Zibo city, which went viral for BBQ recently.


“How wonderful to travel high-speed rail in China! Comfort and speed. On my way to the trendy city of Zibo today,” he wrote on Tuesday.


"Traveling at high speed of 348 kilometers per hour without any bumps, how amazing! There is no better way of transportation than China's high-speed rail," Solheim added at his Wechat public account on Wednesday.


He also introduced that a few days ago, he traveled from Chengdu to Beijing, covering a distance of 2,200 kilometers in only 7 hours, with only three intermediate stops.


“France's high-speed trains and Japan's Shinkansen trains are impressive, but they still cannot compare with the comfort and speed of China's high-speed railway system,” he said, adding that other countries in the world should learn from China, where people prefer to travel by high-speed rail for journeys within a thousand kilometers.

Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2023.04.27 0 1 20295

zdcmchy Creative Commons License 2023.04.25 -1 0 20294

(((-: mondogatom, hogy egyrészt igazad van, de másrészt túlértékeled ennek a jelentőségét. Semmi olyasmi nincs kínában ami itt ne lett volna egy generáció idővel korábban.

Előzmény: Salvor2 (20293)

Ha kedveled azért, ha nem azért nyomj egy lájkot a Fórumért!