Mara_Skywalker Creative Commons License 2019.01.08 0 0 6540



I have a question: I am German and I also speak fluent English. I am currently studying Hungarian at university. I normally learn a lot by watching tv shows in the language I want to learn, for example when I learned English and other languages, I watched American tv shows, first to learn English in the original with German subtitles and then without subitles. Afterwards I learned other languages either by watching dubbed tv shows (for example the French and the Italian dub almost all American tv shows and you can learn a lot by watching dvds in dubbed Italian or Spanish or French with English subtitles) or if a culture does not dub their tv shows like the Swedish and the Finns, by watching the tv show in the original English with Swedish or Finnish subtitles.


For languages where I could not get dvds with either dub or subtitles, I still found free subtitles on sites like Open Subitles to learn languages like Romanian, Turkish or Greek, or even some Estonian.


Or learning Japanese with original Japanese Anime shows with english subs.


But I always prefer to have a mixture of learning with dubs and with subs, or I either cannot read the language very fast (like if I only watch dubs I will be able to understand the spoken language, but not know the written language ortography rules, or the other way around, if I do not watch dubbed ones I will not be able to understand the spoken language. For the languages that I can just buy dvds of the languages on teh local amazon like for Spanish, French or Italian it is no problem because I always managed to get a lot of both: If you want to learn a language well, you need a few thousand hours of both subtitled and dubbed material, movies are too short to really to get into a topic, for example if you want to have a really huge and diverse vocabulary you need to stay motivated (which does not work if you watch the same material over and over because you get bored) and you need to hear the same vocabulary in different usages over and over to learn it well, so long tv shows with a lot of episodes works the best.


I generally watch either Emergency Room or Dr. House, Bones etc. for medical vocabulary,


24, the West Wing, House of Cards, The Wire etc. for political vocabulary


Queer as Folk both UK and US versions, the L word etc. for LGBT vocabulary


for fantasy: Shadowhunters, Buffy, Angel, Highlander, Game of Thrones etc.


for SciFi: Stargate, Farscape


Of course not all of these tv shows are available in every language, so I try to get as many as possible. Or anything else in LGBT, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Fairy Tale that is not mentioned here interests me as well.


Sorry for the long explanation, but I would like recomendations on what I can do to watch Hungarian dubbed tv shows with English or German subs and a recommendation of websites that have full seasons of Hungarian subtitles.


So, recommendations of online shops that sell cheap Hungarian dubbed tv shows that deliver to Germany: The ones I found either do not deliver to Germany or have a really small offer of number of tv shows would be nice, also websites like youtube that have more videos in Hungarian than youtube, but only with subtitles that can be watched from Germany.


Or video chanels like Amazon Prime or Netflix where I can watch in Hungarian but from Germany.


If it is possible to watch Hungarian dub on those two in Germany through some program would also help.


Indavideo for example is not available from Germany, is there some way to change that?


Any help you can give me would be nice.


If anyone is interested in learning German or English and exchange it for help in Hungarian you can contact me as well.


My email is Michaela.Kappl84 at