Eklatáns Béla Creative Commons License 2023.01.12 0 0 952

Most meg mohósággal s kapzsisággal vádolja a magyarokat, amiért nem Krisztusban keresik boldogságukat, hanem Erdélyre ácsingóznak. Ezért az Úr rettenetes haragja fogja a magyarokat sújtani, sőt mán sújtja is: Study history, or do you intend to deny history, just because i don't know the names of the Churches Teresa and Bukov destroyed..? Are you that naive or dishonest..? Tell you what, don't be a child because then i have to ask you if you want a cookie. Or, do you think that Transilvania would make you happy..? Because if so, Transilvania should already make you happy, because it already exists ! Or do you want it for yourself..? Then i have to inform and meanwhile disappoint you, because you won't ever have it, even if it would belong to hungary, it still wouldn't belong to you..! Transilvania won't ever make you happy, never did never will, only Christ makes us happy, He is The Salvation, so while you're wasting your and my time with pettiness and hymeras, our earthly lives come to an end, this time on Earth for prayers or exam we're wasting with desires of having more and never enough, this thirst brought the world into worst wars, sins and destruction. This greed brought upon your nation the situation it is in right now, the same as the leadership of Bulgaria brought that country also in great loses. But this earthly and passenger life flies away as it never was, it is an aberration to clinge on having more and certainly is a sin that greed and thirst which can't be satisfied, the more one has, the more he wants and thenafter a short while he has to abandon all he has because the death comes in... Watch out what you wish because none of us is immortal while living on Earth. The eternal life is only granted to those who don't have such peety interests of having more and more, possesions, lands, riches... May God's Will be done, not ours, may God be praised forevermore... !!!

Előzmény: B. Hernát (951)