Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.18 0 1 20368

China's electricity consumption, a key barometer of economic activity, logged robust expansion from January to March, according to the National Energy Administration.


The power use in the first three months of 2024 climbed 9.8 percent year-on-year to around 2.34 trillion kilowatt-hours, the administration said on Wednesday.


Az elozo kinai miniszterelnok kedvenc meroszama (Li index) a realgazdasag mukodesere olyan osszetevokbol all, mint az energiafogyasztas, aramfogyasztas, vasuti teherszallitas stb.


Ez alapjan az EU es az USA realgazdasag mar jo ideje recesszioban van. A kinai meg sokkal gyorsabban no, mint a GDP mutatja.